New Year, renew your Kitchen

New Year, renew your Kitchen

 We set unrealistic goal’s that derail us quiet quickly right after New Year’s. The most common ones are loosing a certain amount of weight, eating better, exercising more, self-improve, become wealthier…etc. The best way to achieve a goal is to keep it simple and realistic and short.....

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Holidays are Coming

Holidays are Coming

Sometimes we get so caught up with buying presents and getting to a certain store on time, to buy those last minute things. I know that to me it used to be a more stressful season, than a joyful one. But lets not forget, that we have so much to be thankful for, yes even that bed that squeaks and the springs are jamming in our backs. You have to remember that at least its not a dirty floor, or a cardboard box you are sleeping on...

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